Item Coversheet

Agenda Item 6.

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Executive Committee


Theresa Wright, Community Outreach Coordinator

Meeting Date:

February 1, 2017


Measure X Election Debrief

RECEIVE an debrief on the  on the election results  of Measure X, the Transportation Safety & Investment Plan placed on the November 8, 2016, Presidential General Election Ballot.
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County’s Transportation Safety & Investment Plan and Retail Transactions & Use Tax placed on the November 8, 2016 ballot as Measure X received 67.71% voter approval. This debrief provides an in-depth county analysis of the election results.

The Transportation Safety & Investment Plan is anticipated to generate an estimated $600 million over thirty years through a retail transactions and use tax of a three-eighths’ of one-percent (3/8%). This funding will make a significant dent in the over $1 billion in unmet road repair needs and the over $1 billion in regional road safety and mobility project needs.  


On July 19, 2016, The Monterey County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to adopt Ordinance 2016-01 for the adoption of the Transportation Agency for Monterey County’s Transportation Safety & Investment Plan and Retail Transactions & Use Tax; ordinance and approved the Transportation Agency’s request to place the measure on the Presidential General Election November 8, 2016 ballot. The Transportation Safety & Investment Plan, known as Measure X was placed on the November 8, 2016 ballot and received 67.71% voter approval. The measure is anticipated to generate an estimated $20 million annually for a total of $600 million over thirty years through a retail transactions and use tax of a three-eighths’ of one-percent (3/8%). The revenue from the sales tax measure will be used to fund transportation safety and mobility projects in Monterey County, as defined in the Transportation Safety & Investment Plan and in the Project Descriptions & Policies document for the Plan previously adopted by the Agency’s Board of Directors. In addition, the money could be leveraged with matching state and federal grants, and have citizen oversight and annual independent audits.


Members of CliffordMoss, the campaign consulting team have offered to provide this debrief on the election results of Measure X with an in-depth analysis of voting results for each supervisorial district.