Item Coversheet

Agenda Item 4.

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Executive Committee


Meeting Date:

September 7, 2016


State Legislative Update


RECEIVE state legislative update and RECOMMEND that the Board adopt positions on bills of interest to the Agency.


Assembly Bill 2730, authored by Assembly Member Alejo, is currently awaiting action from Governor Brown. A major transportation proposal has been unveiled. The bill list has been updated. Staff will present a legislative update and updated bill list.


If signed by the Governor, AB 2730 could direct millions of dollars from surplus right-of-way to projects in the US 101 corridor. See discussion below for the possible financial impacts of the new transportation proposal.


Staff has been working with the legislature and stakeholder entities on AB 2730 (Alejo): Department of Transportation: Prunedale Bypass: County of Monterey: disposition of excess properties. AB 2730 was passed through the Assembly and the Senate and is currently awaiting action from the Governor (see attachment 1, analysis for the Senate).


The state legislative transportation committee chairs, Senator Beall and Assembly Member Frazier, have introduced a $7.4 billion/year transportation funding package. This is an ambitious new proposal based on months of negotiations.


Positive aspects of this proposal are that it: includes new sources of transportation funding; provides matching funds for self-help counties; increases transit capital; increases funds for freight movement; and includes a constitutional amendment for lowering the voter threshold.


The proposal is, however, still heavily weighted towards maintenance and rehabilitation, and only allocates a small new amount for regional projects via the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP); self-help counties money is available for existing counties, not just the new ones; no dedicated source of funding for intercity passenger rail; very little time to get this package adopted before the August 31 end of session, although it could be considered in the special session.  Staff recommends supporting this proposal and encouraging the authors to include proposals previously discussed such as public private partnerships.


Attachment 2 is a one-page summary. Key provisions include:

  • State - $2.9 billion annually for maintenance and rehabilitation of the state highway system.
  • Locals - $2.5 billion annually for maintenance and rehabilitation of local streets and roads.
  • Regions - $534 million annually to help restore the cuts to the STIP.
  • Self-Help - $200 million as matching funds for self-help counties.
  • Transit - $516 million annually for transit capital projects and operations.
  • Freight - $900 million annually for goods movement.
  • Active Transportation - $80 million annually, with up to $150 million possible through Caltrans efficiencies, for bicycle and pedestrian projects.
  • Lower Voter Threshold - Constitutional Amendment to help locals raise funding at home by lowering the voter threshold for transportation tax measures to 55 percent.


Attachment 3 is the updated bill list as of August 19. Attachment 4 is the Agency’s adopted 2016 legislative program. Agency consultant and staff will walk through the bill list and recommended positions.

Senate Analysis of AB 2730 (Alejo)
Frazier – Beall Transportation Funding Package
TAMC Bill List as of August 19
Final TAMC State Legislative Program, adopted January 27, 2016