Item Coversheet

Agenda Item 6.

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Executive Committee


Madilyn Jacobsen, Transportation Planner

Meeting Date:

November 9, 2016


Call Box Program Update


RECEIVE a presentation on the evaluation of the Monterey County Call Box Program; and PROVIDE direction on the development of a Monterey County Call Box Modernization Plan.  


The Agency currently maintains a network of 190 active call boxes across Monterey County. The Agency is in the process of evaluating the call box program to determine how to improve program efficiency, and is developing a County Call Box Modernization Plan.  

The Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways program is funded by a locally-approved $1 per vehicle surcharge as part of the annual Department of Motor Vehicle registration fees, which raises approximately $350,000.  The cost to operate this program in fiscal year 2015-2016 was $132,566, which pays for the call center and CHP operations and annual maintenance of the boxes.  In addition to paying for the callbox program, these revenues pay for other motorist aid services, such as the Agency's Rideshare Program, and the local match for the Freeway Service Patrol program.  The goal of this evaluation is to focus the program where call boxes are most needed and eliminate locations that are underutilized. These changes may have a financial impact, including a reduction in cost.

The Service Authority for Freeways Emergencies program provides free emergency telephone service at call boxes to stranded motorists. The Agency operates Monterey County’s call box program in coordination with Caltrans and the California Highway Patrol. Call boxes enhance public safety and provide emergency roadside assistance to motorists, particularly in area with poor or no cell phone service.


There are currently 190 active call boxes in Monterey County.  Call boxes are located along the following routes: State Route 1, State Route 68, State Route 156, US Highway 101, Jolon Road, Carmel Valley Road, and Arroyo Seco Road. There are several issues facing the call box program in Monterrey County, including:

  • A reduction in call box usage in some areas of Monterey County, due to the proliferation of cell phones.
  • A need to upgrade call box sites to conform to current American with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.
  • The phasing out of 2G technology and the need to upgrade call boxes to 3G and 4G technology.


To address these issues and ensure an efficient use of resources, the Agency has evaluated call box usage from the previous three years to determine if there are opportunities to reduce the number of call boxes in Monterey County, thereby reducing program costs, as well as reduce the number of locations for ADA and 3G upgrades.


As part of the call box program evaluation and improvement plan, the Agency has:

  • Reviewed call box usage in Monterey County for the past three years.
  • Reviewed cell phone service coverage in Monterey County.
  • Identified roads where adding call boxes might be appropriate.
  • Compared the usage trend in Monterey County to other SAFE programs in California.
  • Reviewed best practices from other SAFE programs in California.
  • Determined criteria for maintaining or removing call box locations.

Moving forward during this fiscal year, the Agency plans to:

  • Coordinate with local jurisdictions about possible locations for call box removal or addition.
  • Coordinate with Caltrans and the CHP about locations for call box removal or addition.
  • Draft a recommended plan for call box program improvements.
  • Seek Board, local agency, and public comment on the improvement plan for the call box program. Finalize the Call Box Program Modernization Plan for Board approval and implementation.


At this time, Agency staff welcomes comments and suggestions on the call box program evaluation and  the development of the modernization plan.