Item Coversheet

Agenda Item 5.

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Rail Policy Committee


Christina Watson, Director of Planning

Meeting Date:

August 6, 2018


Salinas Rail Extension project update


RECEIVE update on the Salinas Rail Extension project.


Activities on the Salinas Rail Extension project since the last update on May 7, 2018 include execution of a contract for demolition of structures in preparation for construction of the Lincoln Avenue extension, execution of a contract for the acquisition of properties in preparation for the Salinas train layover facility, and meetings regarding operations and outreach.


The capital cost of the Rail Extension to Monterey County project, Phase 1, Salinas Kick-Start project (the Salinas station and improvements in Gilroy, Morgan Hill and San Jose - Tamien), is estimated at $81 million. The Kick-Start project is proceeding with final design and right-of-way acquisition under the adopted state environmental clearance.


Salinas Station: Package 1: Structure Demolition & Groundbreaking

Package 1 of the Salinas Station project is an extension of Lincoln Avenue to provide safe, signalized access to the train station and improved circulation, parking, and landscaping at the station. This package is at 100% design, cleared environmentally, and nearing readiness for construction. TAMC has several consulting firms working on this package, including HDR Engineering for design, MNS Engineers for construction management, Geocon for hazardous materials abatement, and Bowen Engineering and Environmental for demolition.


The structure demolition team came on board after the TAMC Board approved the contract on June 27, 2018. Their work will start with hazardous materials abatement prior to demolition, followed by soils backfill and compaction, grading and soil binding. The contractor expects to complete all work on the site by the late September/ early October.


The project schedule shows utility relocation, including the City of Salinas' relocation of the storm drain and sanitary sewer lines, from approximately October 2018 through March 2019. TAMC staff anticipates bringing the construction bid documents to this Committee and the TAMC Board in October, pending approval of the Caltrans encroachment permit, the right-of-way certification, and the funding allocation of State Transportation Improvement Program funding for construction.



TAMC is holding a groundbreaking ceremony on August 9, 2018 at 11 am near the Salinas train station. The following date, August 10, is the day of the Salinas Valley Chamber rail tour event. If you have not yet signed up, there are still a few spots left as of July 25: please sign up via the Chamber website here:


The outreach team is developing a project logo and updating the website and other materials. Staff has attended meetings of the Historic Harvey House and the Salinas City Center Improvement Association, and MNS has done door-to-door outreach about the project and the groundbreaking ceremony.


Salinas Layover Facility: Package 2: Property Acquisition

Package 2 of the Salinas rail extension project is the train layover facility and associated track and platform improvements at the Salinas train station. This package is at 75% design and cleared environmentally. HDR Engineering is under contract to finalize the design for this package, pending comments from Union Pacific Railroad. Acquisition and legal consultants are under contract to acquire the properties for this package, pending completion of plat maps and legal descriptions of the partial acquisitions and an environmental site assessment. 


Track Improvements: Package 3: Planning

The recent state grant of $10.148 million in Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program funding included $1.615 million for Positive Train Control (PTC) on the Salinas-Gilroy corridor. To supplement that funding, Caltrans led an application for federal Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) funds to implement PTC on the entire Oakland-San Luis Obispo coast rail corridor. CRISI funds available nationally in the first two rounds total $250 million. The first Caltrans application included a siding project near Santa Clara for $3 million and the PTC project for $11 million. The second application was only the PTC project.


Operations Scenarios

Staff attended the Northern California Megaregional Rail Group meeting on June 14 and has had subsequent meetings with the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) and Caltrain staff. The near-term scenario of operations is an extension of two of the three Caltrain trains currently serving Gilroy, weekdays only and in peak travel direction only. The current Gilroy train schedule is as follows, with an extrapolated arrival/ departure time at Salinas (assuming travel time of about fifty-five minutes between Salinas and Gilroy):


Morning northbound trains
Salinas 5:11 AM 5:33 AM 6:11 AM
Gilroy 6:06 AM 6:28 AM 7:06 AM
San Jose 6:59 AM 7:23 AM 7:59 AM
San Francisco 8:24 AM 8:58 AM 9:29 AM
Evening southbound trains
San Francisco 3:00 PM 4:58 PM 5:32 PM
San Jose 4:40 PM 6:24 PM 7:06 PM
Gilroy 5:30 PM 7:14 PM 7:56 PM
Salinas 6:25 PM 8:09 PM 8:51 PM


This is just a conceptual train schedule based on the current Gilroy service, which is likely to change. The project would extend two of these three trains. The schedule of trains is subject to change, pending negotiations with Caltrain and Union Pacific Railroad.