Item Coversheet

Agenda Item 5.

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Technical Advisory Committee


Michael Zeller, Director of Programming & Project Delivery

Meeting Date:

June 7, 2018


2018 Regional Fee Nexus Study Update

RECEIVE update on the 2018 Regional Development Impact Fee Nexus Study Update.
The Transportation Agency is required to update the Regional Development Impact Fee every five years. This process includes reviewing the land use and development assumptions in the regional travel demand model, forecasting future travel demands, updating the project list as necessary to meet those demands, revising project costs, and developing the nexus-based fee schedule. 
In the past analysis, the Regional Development Impact Fee program was projected to generate $90 million up to year 2030, with one-percent reimbursing the agency’s fee program administrative expenses. The agency’s approved budget includes $110,000 in fiscal year 2017/18 for the 2018 Nexus Study Update.

The Regional Development Impact Fee program was adopted by the Transportation Agency Board of Directors and each of the jurisdictions, and went into effect in August 2008. As part of the Joint Powers Agreement that established the program and state law, the Agency is required to conduct a major update to the fee program once every five years.


In August 2017, the TAMC Board approved the selection of Wood Rodgers to conduct the technical work necessary to update the regional fees to reflect any changes that may have occurred in the past five years, such as: updates to population, employment and housing projections utilized in the regional travel forecast model, the expected pace of development, changes in land use plans including general plan updates, project need and cost, and population growth projections.


This update process will also include an evaluation of incorporating the Fort Ord Reuse Authority zone into the regional fee program.  The regional fee program segments the County into four distinct zones - North County, Peninsula / South Coast, Greater Salinas, and South County.  Currently, development projects located within the FORA boundary only pay the FORA Community Facilities District fee and are exempt from payment of the Regional Fee.  With the planned sunset of FORA in 2020, the Transportation Agency has been coordinating with FORA staff and the FORA Transition Task Force on the potential transfer of impact fee responsibilities to the regional fee program.  The evaluation of incorporating the FORA zone into the Regional Fee program can be accomplished with the existing model runs needed to update the fee program (thus resulting in no additional work) and will provide additional data and information to inform the transition process.


After performing a validation of the AMBAG Regional Travel Demand Model, Wood Rodgers identified the existing and future deficiencies to the regional transportation network.  Existing and projected future conditions deficiencies on regional roadway facilities throughout Monterey County were identified to assist TAMC staff with the selection of transportation improvement projects to be included in the current 2018 Regional Fee Nexus Study Update. Deficiencies were identified using current traffic count data, the latest available version of the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments regional travel demand model, and standard Highway Capacity Manual methodologies.  The modeling output showing the existing and future roadway deficiencies are included as Attachment 1.


In order to determine where roadway improvements will be needed by the 2035 horizon-year, a model scenario was run that assumed full buildout of all population and employment growth over the next approximately 20 years, but no roadway improvements over existing conditions. The AMBAG Regional Travel Demand Model was run using the horizon-year 2035 land use database and base-year 2010  roadway network (with updates to better reflect existing conditions). This run has been labeled the “Constrained Year 2035” model run since no planned system improvements over existing circulation/capacity conditions are assumed.  In order to address the deficiencies to the regional network that were identified with this model run, staff has prepared a draft listing of proposed improvement projects for the 2018 Regional Fee Nexus Study Update that is included as Attachment 2 for Committee review.


Staff reviewed this draft list of projects with the Technical Advisory Committee at the February 2018 meeting, and made updates based on feedback from Committee members. With confirmation of a draft list of projects, the next steps in the update process were for Wood Rodgers to conduct additional model runs assuming the construction of the proposed improvement projects to evaluate network system performance, and to prepare planning-level project cost updates. A comparison of the horizon-year 2035 roadway network with and without the improvement projects is included as Attachment 3.


The additional model runs, known as the "select link analysis", verifies the number of trips that are using the new improved roadways, and where those trips begin and end.  With this information, we are able to assign the number of new trips using a regional fee program project with the benefit zones.  As such, each zone contributes its proportionate share of the project cost based on the trips generated by that zone.  This information is then used to develop the updated draft regional development impact fee schedule, which is included as Attachment 4.


The final steps for the project will be to confirm the draft regional fee schedule by benefit zone, which will culminate in a final 2018 Regional Fee Nexus Study Update report.  Agency staff will then circulate for review and approval by the jurisdictions.

2018 RDIF Nexus Study Update - Base Modeling Results
2018 RDIF Nexus Study Update - Draft Project List
2018 RDIF Nexus Study Update - Comparison of 2035 Build vs No Build
2018 RDIF Nexus Study Update - Comparison of 2013 to 2018 Fee Schedule