Item Coversheet

Agenda Item 3.2

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Executive Committee


Todd Muck, Executive Director

Meeting Date:

January 9, 2019


Employee Incentive Award

APPROVE “sustained superior performance” step increase from Principal Transportation Planner Step 5 to Step 6 for Michael Zeller. 

On April 23, 2003, the TAMC Board approved an employee incentive program to encourage excellence in employee performance and promote retention of superior employees. This employee incentive program includes the ability to award an additional step increase for sustained superior performance, which requires prior approval by the Executive Committee.


The cost of this step increase to the salaries and benefits budget for the current fiscal year will be an additional $4,100. The increase between steps is 5%.  There are sufficient funds in the adopted budget for fiscal year 18/19.


Transportation Agency's Human Resources Rules and Regulations includes an employee incentive program to further the Agency's self-interest in recruiting and retaining the most competent employees. If an employee demonstrates sustained superior performance over a significant period of time, the Executive Director may at her discretion approve the advancement or acceleration of a step increase for this employee.The definition of sustained superior performance includes consistent, day-to-day, unfailingly exceptional work output that is both quantitatively and qualitatively superior (see attachment).


Transportation Agency human resources policies state that an employee at Steps 1 through 4 is eligible for a performance-based 5% merit increase each year.  After that, employees are eligible for the 6th step after an additional 3 years and eligible for the 7th step after an additional 4 years. The employee incentive program provides for an early step increase based on performance and approval by the Executive Committee.


Mike Zeller continues to do excellent work for the Agency. Mike performs at a high level independently handling a broad range of complex and detailed tasks. This past year has been particularly challenging with a diverse set of issues such as:


  • Coordinating with the California Transportation Commission on State transportation funding programming activities,
  • Development and implementation of SB 1 competitive grant programs and guidelines;
  • Prop 6 attempt to repeal SB 1,
  • Regional Development Impact Fee update,
  • Salinas Rail Extension property acquisition,
  • Fort Ord Reuse Authority transition planning, and
  • Managing the funding of Measure X projets and programs


All of these tasks needing vigilance to ensure no balls are dropped; Mike has juggled all of this and more, in a calm and professional manner.  Agency Management therefore recommends granting Mr. Zeller an early 5% step increase. 

Employee Incentive Program Policy