Item Coversheet

Agenda Item 5.

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Technical Advisory Committee


Madilyn Jacobsen, Transportation Planner

Meeting Date:

October 3, 2019


2022 Regional Transportation Plan Update


RECEIVE presentation on 2022 Regional Transportation Plan process and timeline.

Every four years, the Transportation Agency is responsible for developing an updated Regional Transportation Plan, pursuant to state and federal transportation planning requirements. The Agency has initiated the development of the 2022 Regional Transportation Plan and staff will present a timeline of the plan process, and seek input for the development of draft goals and policy objectives. 
The 2022 Regional Transportation Plan will be prepared in house by staff. The Plan's environmental document is budgeted not to exceed $225,000 of which TAMC will pay $33,000. The Environmental Impact Report will cover the tri-county Metropolitan Transportation Plan as well as the Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito County Regional Transportation Plans. The Plan will include financial estimates for transportation projects in Monterey County through the 2045 horizon year of the plan.

The Regional Transportation Plan for Monterey County is a long range (20 year) plan, updated every four years. The Regional Transportation Plan forms the basis for the Metropolitan Transportation Plan prepared by the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) for the Monterey Bay Area pursuant to Federal Highway Administration and Caltrans transportation planning requirements. As the Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Monterey Bay Area, AMBAG incorporates the financial assumptions and project lists included in the Regional Transportation Plans for Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito Counties into the Metropolitan Transportation Plan.


Pursuant to state and federal guidelines, the Regional Transportation Plan includes a countywide multi-modal needs assessment, transportation policy element, long-range funding forecast, funding-constrained project list, and a program-level environmental review document assessing the probable environmental impacts associated with implementation of the plan. Public participation is sought after in the development of the Regional Transportation Plan for each of the project steps, and as adopted by AMBAG through the Monterey Bay Area Public Participation Plan. 


The Agency has developed a draft timeline to provide stakeholders with an overview on Monterey County's Regional Transportation Plan process.


Key dates relevant for the Technical Advisory Committee include:


  • Dec. 2019 - TAMC Board Action: Adoption of Goals, Policy Objectives and Performance Measures.


  • Jan - March 2020: TAMC to develop updated project and program cost estimates in collaboration with the cities and the County.


  • April 2020: TAMC to present draft project list and cost estimates to Technical Advisory Committee.


  • Jan/Feb 2021 - TAMC Board Action: Adoption of final project list.


  • Dec. 2021 - TAMC Board Action: Receive draft Plan and release notice to public for review/comment.


  • Dec. 2021: AMBAG to release Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Metropolitan Transportation Plan for public review and comment.


  • June 2022 - TAMC Board Action: Approval of Final Regional Transportation Plan, adoption of CEQA findings and adoption of the joint Environmental Impact Report.
Regional Transportation Plan 2022 - Timeline