Item Coversheet

Agenda Item 4.

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Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee


Madilyn Jacobsen, Transportation Planner

Meeting Date:

October 2, 2019


Blue Zones Well-Being Improvement Project

RECEIVE presentation on Blue Zones project in Salinas Valley.
The Blue Zones Project is a community-wide well-being improvement initiative to help make healthier choices easier for everyone. The City of Salinas has partnered with Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital and Taylor Farms to implement a Blue Zones program in Monterey County.  The goals of the Blue Zones Project are supportive of TAMC's Safe Routes to Schools,  Go831 and active transportation programs.
No financial impact. 

National Geographic Fellow Dan Buettner observed that in certain "blue zones", from Sardinia, Italy, to Okinawa, Japan, to Loma Linda, California, people are living vibrant, active lives well into their hundreds. His book, The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who've Lived the Longest, and a companion global longevity study, led to the creation of a Blue Zones program aimed at teaching the lessons of these communities to help others live longer, healthier, and happier lives.


The Blue Zones Project believes that when the entire community participates in making small healthier lifestyle changes - from workplaces to schools, and restaurants to grocery stores - that it can make a big difference in quality of life. These longevity initiatives include: healthier eating, safer streets, more active lifestyles, reduced smoking, enhanced social interactions and an increased sense of purpose.


The Blue Zones Project partners with existing initiatives and community leaders to support policy in the areas crossing the food environment and the built environment. TAMC is active on the Blue Zones Steering Committee, the Built Environment Committee and the Schools Committee to support improved traffic safety and active transportation initiatives.


In February and March 2019, the Blue Zones Project Monterey County team conducted a comprehensive analysis of the current state of well-being and met with local leaders and stakeholders - including the TAMC - to learn about the strengths, challenges, and opportunities for improving well-being in the City of Salinas, which is the geography proposed for Phase 1 of the multi-phase Blue Zones Project throughout Monterey County.


The Monterey County Blueprint Plan, released in May 2019, identified a number of strategies to enhance the built environment to promote active lifestyles. Strategies identified in the Blue Zone's Built Environment and School sections include: 

  • Formally adopt a Complete Streets policy for the City of Salinas
  • Create a Complete Streets implementation plan, including staff training
  • Develop a Safe Routes to School plan for the City of Salinas
  • Adopt a Vision Zero program and create an action plan that strives to eliminate traffic-related injuries and fatalities 
  • Create School Slow Zones with appropriate corresponding design treatments
  • Promote a culture of active transportation and an environment that makes it safe to walk or bike to school through activities like a Walking School Bus program or bike-to-school activities


The Blue Zones Project further identifies links that support the TAMC's Go831 Rideshare Program. The Blue Zone Project's Worksite Strategies includes partnering with the Transportation Agency to create commuter incentive programs at worksites that encourage employees to commute to work by walking, biking, carpooling, or public transit. 


The Blue Zones Project's Built Environment Committee will be organizing a community education campaign around various projects in the City of Salinas. Interested individuals can also sign up to receive updates about the project, including the Blue Zones Project's monthly purpose workshops.