Item Coversheet

Agenda Item 5.

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Board of Directors


Michael Zeller, Director of Programming & Project Delivery

Meeting Date:

March 25, 2020


2020 Programming Guidelines & Competitive Grants


Programming Guidelines & Competitive Grants:

  1. APPROVE the programming of three years (2020/21/22) of fair share formula Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) Funds to the cities and County;
  2. APPROVE setting aside 10% of Regional Surface Transportation Program funds to a TAMC reserve for complete streets; and
  3. APPROVE updated guidelines and application and RELEASE a call for projects to program competitive Transportation Development Act 2% and RSTP funds.
The Transportation Agency periodically programs Regional Surface Transportation Program and Transportation Development Act 2% Bicycle and Pedestrian funds to local projects in both a formula share (fair share) and a competitive program.
The three-year estimated funding of Regional Surface Transportation Program is $3.6 million for fair share and up to $12.2 million for the competitive program. The $12.2 million includes $9.36 million of new Regional Surface Transportation Program funds, $750,000 of new Transportation Development Act 2% for bicycle and pedestrian project funds, and up to $2.1 million unexpended from the last competitive grants cycle. The deadline for billing to the prior year cycle is three years after approval of the grants, or August 31, 2020. 

The Surface Transportation Block Grant Program is a federal program that provides states and local jurisdictions with funding for highway improvements, street rehabilitation and transportation enhancements. The Transportation Agency receives an annual apportionment of Regional Surface Transportation Program funding, passed through the State. Because Monterey County didn’t have an urbanized area with a population of greater than 200,000 in the 1990 census, it qualified for the state exchange program, whereby Caltrans keeps the federal Surface Transportation Block Grant Program apportionments for a region and gives the regional agency an equivalent amount of state cash.


The Transportation Agency distributes Regional Surface Transportation Program funding in both fair-share and competitive programs. Monterey County and the cities receive fair-share Regional Surface Transportation Program funds based on a formula of 50% population and 50% centerline miles. The total fair share allocation over the next three years is $3.6 million.


The Transportation Agency distributes the remaining portion of the Regional Surface Transportation Program funding on a competitive basis to transportation projects based on a variety of criteria, including safety, traffic volume and project readiness.  The competitive grants process starts with a call for project and the release of grant application materials, then the Technical Advisory Committee will establish a subcommittee to review and rank project proposals.


Project proposals for the competitive program will be evaluated based on the following scoring rubric for a total of 100 points:


Screening Criteria:

  1. The proposed project will be implemented within 3 years
  2. The project is consistent with local and regional plans
  3. For intersection projects, an Intersection Control Evaluation has been or will be completed
  4. The project has a positive benefit / cost ratio


Section A - Project Information & Regional Significance (25 points total)

  1. Traffic volumes in the corridor - 10 points
  2. The project will mitigate safety hazards - 10 points
  3. The project serves regional travel - 5 points


Section B - Complete Streets (25 points total)

  1. Stakeholder outreach was conducted - 5 points
  2. The project incorporates complete streets treatments - 10 points
  3. The project improves bicycle, pedestrian or transit design features - 5 points
  4. This is a maintenance project with complete street enhancements - 5 points


Section C - Project Readiness & Cost Effectiveness (25 points total)

  1. Project is ready to bid within three years - 5 points
  2. Request for funding will fully-fund the project - 10 points
  3. Project has completed the environmental phase - 5 points
  4. Project has completed the design / right-of-way phase - 5 points


Section D - Prior Project Delivery Performance (25 points total)

  1. The jurisdiction is maximizing the use of fair-share RSTP - 10 points
  2. The jurisdiction has delivered previously-awarded competitive projects on time - 10 points
  3. This funding request does not fund a cost-overrun - 5 points


Transportation Agency staff has updated its policies and procedures related to the Regional Surface Transportation Program, which will require each local jurisdiction to enter into a new three-year master funding agreement with the Transportation Agency in order to be eligible to receive funds.  Transportation Agency staff will provide an update at the Board meeting on the guidelines, as well as review policies for the distribution of fair share allocations, the timely use of funds, use of interest, project eligibility, and discuss criteria and procedures for the grant cycle. Under the attached schedule, grant applications will be due to TAMC on June 1, 2020 and a final vote on the selected projects will take place at the August TAMC Board meeting. 

2020 Fund Estimate
2020 Competitive Grants Schedule
2020 RSTP Guidelines & Grant Application