Item Coversheet

Agenda Item 3.2.3

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Board of Directors


Madilyn Jacobsen, Transportation Planner

Meeting Date:

April 28, 2021


Local Access Fund Administrator


Local Access Fund Administrator 

  1. APPROVE the Trasnportation Agency submitting application to serve as the Local Access Fund Administrator for access fees to improve the accessibility of transportation for persons with disabilities in Monterey County; and
  2. ADOPT Resolution 2021-04 authorizing the Agency to serve as the Local Access Fund Administrator for Monterey County, if approved by the California Public Utilities Commission.

Under Decision 19-06-033 of the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), transportation network companies (such as Uber and Lyft) are required to collect an "access fee" that will be distributed to "access providers" to create more transportation accessibility for persons with disabilities, including persons who need a wheelchair-accessible vehicle. Regional Transportation Planning Agencies, such as TAMC, are eligible to serve as the Local Access Fund Administrator, responsible for distributing the funds through a competitive grant program. The Agency must submit an application and Board Resolution to the CPUC by May 1, 2021 in order to serve as the Local Access Fund Administrator for Monterey County. 


If approved to serve as an Local Access Fund Administrator, the Agency would be responsible for administering the funds for Monterey County which is estimated at $50,000-$100,000 for funding year 2021-2022. The cost of administering the program can be covered by 15% of the Monterey County's share of funds. Administration of the program is included in the draft Overall Work Program for Fiscal Year 2021/2022. 


The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) created the Transportation Network Company Access for All Program to implement Senate Bill 1376 which directed the CPUC to establish a program related to accessibility for persons with disabilities, including wheelchair users who rely on wheelchair accessible vehicles. Regional Transportation Planning Agencies, Metropolitan Planning Organizations and County Transportation Commissions are the only eligible entities to serve as an Access Fund Administrator. Agency staff has coordinated with staff at the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments and agree that the Transportation Agency is well suited to take on this role in Monterey County. 


In Decision 19-06-033, the CPUC required transportation network companies, which includes ride-share services such as Uber and Lyft, to collect an "access fee" of $0.10 for every trip taken and to remit the total fees collected to the CPUC by county on a quarterly basis, beginning the third quarter of 2019. Monterey County's estimated available fund for funding year 2021-2022 is $50,000-$100,000.


The fees collected are deposited into the Access for All Fund for distribution to "access providers" that establish on-demand transportation programs or partnerships to meet the needs of persons with disabilities. "Access providers" are defined as "an organization or entity that directly provides, or contracts with a separate organization or entity to provide, on-demand transportation to meet the needs of persons with disabilities." 


Upon approval to serve as the Local Access Fund Administrator, the Transportation Agency would develop a grant program in compliance with the guidelines set out by the CPUC and with consultation from Monterey-Salinas Transit's Mobility Advisory Committee. It is anticipated that the approved Local Access Fund Administrators would be notified in July 2021 and the first fund distribution would occur in September 2021. 


Agency staff is in coordination with the CPUC to explore holding the County's funding until the next grant cycle in order to have a larger funding pot for administration of the program. 


For more information about the Access for All Funding program, the program overview and guidelines are included as a web attachment.  


Resolution 2021-04: Local Access Fund Administrator
Program Overview and Requirements for Access Fund Administrators