Item Coversheet

Agenda Item 7.

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Board of Directors


Michael Zeller, Director of Programming & Project Delivery

Meeting Date:

December 2, 2020


Fort Ord Building Demolition - Joint Procurement with MST


Fort Ord Building Demolition Joint Procurement Agreement with Monterey-Salinas Transit:

  1. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to execute an agreement not to exceed $1,303,498 with Monterey-Salinas Transit for the joint procurement and sharing of costs for the demolition of properties owned by the agencies located in the former Fort Ord, pending legal counsel approval;
  2. APPROVE the use of $1,303,498 in funds budgeted to this project; and
  3. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to make administrative changes to the contract if such changes do not increase the Agency’s net cost, subject to approval by Agency counsel.
The Transportation Agency owns 12.1 acres of property in the former Fort Ord in the vicinity of Highway 1 and 8th Street. Seven buildings built by the Army between 1941 and 1953 are located on the property. Prior to its sunset, the Fort Ord Reuse Authority secured a bond for base-wide building removal. The Agency is seeking to coordinate the building demolition procurement with Monterey-Salinas Transit to secure cost savings from a bundled procurement.
Prior to its sunset, the Fort Ord Reuse Authority issued a bond for building removal that received proceeds in the amount of $30.7 million.  The distribution scenario approved at the December 13, 2019 FORA Board Meeting set the Agency’s share of proceeds at 7.0% after deductions for issuance expenses and a CalPERS liability set-aside, resulting in net proceeds to the Agency of $1.3 million.

Upon the closure of Fort Ord, the Army left behind approximately 1,600 buildings, ranging in age from the early 1900s to the late 1980s. These buildings have become dilapidated over time, contain various forms of hazardous materials and are frequently targeted sites for vandalism and illegal dumping in close proximity to various occupied buildings.  To assist with removal of the blight and economic redevelopment of the former Fort Ord, the Base Reuse Plan and certified environmental impact report includes removal of building stock and related environmental hazards/blight in certain areas of the former Fort Ord to make way for reuse.


Prior to the sunset of FORA on June 30, 2020, FORA staff estimated that there remains approximately $50-60 million in blight removal costs.  To address this issue, the Reuse Authority issued bonds to fund the building removal program prior to its dissolution.  At closing, the bonds resulted in proceeds of $30.7 million.  Under the building removal funding agreement approved by the Board in April 22, 2020, the Transportation Agency received 7.0% of the proceeds after expenses and set-asides (or $1.3 million).  The Transportation Agency may use these bond proceeds only for building removal costs and may not use the funds for administrative costs.


The Transportation Agency-owned property within the former Fort Ord is located between 1st Avenue and Highway 1, and 5th and 8th streets in Marina, California.  On the property are seven buildings, including a former cold storage building, a former meat cutting building, four warehouses, and a former storehouse building.  Six of the buildings are attached and parallel to Highway 1; one larger concrete building is north of 8th Street, next to the bridge crossing Highway 1 (see the map, attached).  The Transportation Agency contracted with Vista Environmental to conduct a hazardous materials assessment in June 2019 and all properties were found to contain asbestos, lead-based paint, universal waste.  It is also suspected that light fixtures with ballasts may contain polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) oil.


Monterey-Salinas Transit also participated in this bond issuance, and received $186,214 of the proceeds to demolish a building that they own, which is adjacent to the Transportation Agency-owned properties.  In an effort to reduce costs by securing a single demolition contract, the Agency and Monterey-Salinas Transit staff have been in discussions to develop a joint procurement process.  Under the proposed agreement attached to this staff report, Monterey-Salinas Transit would be the lead agency for the purposes of the procurement to select a contractor, with consultation from Transportation Agency staff, to conduct the demolition of both the Agency and MST's buildings within the available budget.  In addition, Monterey-Salinas Transit staff with extensive experience in managing construction contracts would oversee the contractor for this work in coordination with Transportation Agency staff.  The bidding process would be structured such that potential bidders would submit bids on a per building basis to ensure that each agency would only be expending funds to demolish their buildings.  The demolition of existing structures on the properties owned by MST and TAMC on the former Fort Ord have been adequately addressed in the Base Reuse Plan Environmental Impact Report, and further environmental analysis is not necessary.


If the proposed joint procurement agreement is approved by the Board, Transportation Agency and Monterey-Salinas Transit staff estimate that the demolition of the buildings could begin by summer 2021.

TAMC - MST Building Removal Joint Procurement Agreement
Former Fort Ord Demolition Properties Map
Aerial of TAMC - MST - Marina Properties