Item Coversheet

Agenda Item 3.5.1

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Board of Directors


Christina Watson, Director of Planning

Meeting Date:

December 2, 2020


Salinas Rail Project - HDR Engineering Contract Amendment


Salinas Rail Project - HDR Engineering Contract Amendment #8:

  1. APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to execute contract amendment #8 with HDR Engineering Inc., subject to approval by Agency Counsel, in an amount not to exceed $60,000, for a total not-to-exceed contract amount of $2,869,148, to complete the design work for Package 1 at the Salinas train station, and to extend the deadline by six months from December 31, 2020 to June 30, 2021;
  2. AUTHORIZE the use of state funds budgeted to this project;
  3. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to take such other further actions as may be necessary to fulfill the intent of the contract, including approvals of future modifications or amendments that do not significantly alter the scope of work, or change the approved contract term or amount; and
  4. APPROVE sole source finding.

The Salinas Rail Extension Kick Start Project, package 1 (Salinas Station area improvements) is in the construction and final design phase. HDR Engineering, Inc. was originally hired for this work in June 2014 after a formal Request for Proposals process. The contract now needs to be amended to add funding and time to the contract to complete the project final design, including as-built plans, due to the longer timeframe now anticipated for construction completion and large number of change orders for that construction project. Staff recommends a sole source finding for this proposed amendment #8 based on the related nature of the tasks and efficiencies involved.


The budget for the contract, as amended, would have a not-to-exceed amount of $2,869,148, funded through Traffic Congestion Relief Program (TCRP) funds allocated to the design phase and State Transportation Improvement Program and Proposition 116 Rail Bond funds allocated to the construction phase.


The Salinas Rail Extension Kick Start Project Package 1 is currently under construction. Package 1 includes circulation improvements along West Market Street/ State Route 183 and via an extension of Lincoln Avenue, which previously terminated at West Market Street from the south. The improvements include changing the intersection at Lincoln Avenue to a 4-way intersection with the associated changes to the signals, bike lanes and crosswalks, as well as some lane configuration changes. Package 1 also includes two parking lots with landscaping and stormwater improvements and adding bicycle parking near the train station.


The current contract with HDR Engineering, Inc. is nearly complete, pending completion of construction of the improvements at the station, when HDR will prepare the as-built plans to close out the contract. Contract amendment #8 with HDR Engineering, Inc., adds $60,000 and extends the deadline to June 30, 2021 in order to accommodate the longer timeframe for construction completion, which has been extended almost 5 months, and the larger number of change orders (15 approved to date, additional change orders in the works) than anticipated previously. Staff believes it is most appropriate to do a contract amendment with HDR to add funding to this contract and recommends a sole source finding. The total contract amount is still within the original contract independent cost estimate. This increase, when combined with prior increases, represents a 24% increase from the original 2014 contract budget.


Attached are the contract amendment #8 and the revised budget.

Draft HDR Package 1 contract amendment #8