Item Coversheet

Agenda Item 6.

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Board of Directors


Debra L. Hale, Executive Director

Meeting Date:

June 23, 2021


Racial Equity Program

REVIEW and COMMENT on the proposed racial equity program for the Transportation Agency.
In November 2021, Agency staff participated in a three-part training with the County of Monterey's Civil Rights Office. The training provided data that shows that race is a leading determinant of negative economic outcomes in a community, often due to underinvestment or historical bias. Staff has prepared a draft program to integrate specific racial equity-based activities into three Transportation Agency activity areas:  funding, public outreach and hiring.  
Some proposals would involve a repurposing of existing project funding. Activities could bring additional matching funds to communities that qualify under state rules as "disadvantaged".

The Transportation Agency includes equity as a policy goal in its Regional Transportation Plan and several of its funding programs.  In these instances, equity is evaluated primarily in terms of geographic equity.  However, given the impact that low incomes and in some cases historic disinvestment has had in certain communities, expansion of equity metrics to include racial diversity is worth considering in the Agency's programs. The Monterey County Health Department has issued a report that details some of the correlations between racially diverse populations and poor health outcomes (including reduced biking and walking) that exist in communities across Monterey County.


The County of Monterey's Civil Rights Office provides a racial equity toolkit to help agencies to look at various programs to determine how to improve outcomes for diverse racial groups.  TAMC staff has utilized the toolkit to evaluate how the Agency can better improve the transportation system in communities that have experienced historical underinvestment.  


The staff brainstormed three areas for focus:  funding, public outreach and hiring.   Within each area, a team developed a set of issues, potential solutions, action items and a racial equity goal.


This program was presented and reviewed by the TAMC Executive Committee earlier in the year.  Attached is a revised draft Racial Equity Program based on Committee comments. Staff is seeking review and comment on this draft program and will return with a final version for Board adoption.  

Draft Racial Equity Program