Item Coversheet

Agenda Item 6.

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Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee


Madilyn Jacobsen, Transportation Planner

Meeting Date:

March 3, 2021


Draft District 5 Active Transportation Plan

RECEIVE presentation on Caltrans District 5's Draft Active Transportation Plan and associated mapping tools. 
Caltrans District 5 released the draft Active Transportation Plan for a 30-day public review period from February 8 through March 9th, 2021. Staff will showcase how to use the electronic mapping tools and submit comments on the draft plan. 
No financial impact. 

Caltrans District 5 includes the Counties of Santa Cruz, San Benito, Monterey, San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara. Caltrans is the owner and operator of the State Highway System and maintains shoulders that often provide regional bicycle access within and across county lines.  

The Caltrans District 5 Active Transportation Plan identifies existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities and needs on, across and parallel to the State Transportation System. Work on the Active Transportation Plan started in late 2018 and the Plan is expected to be finalized in May 2021. On February 8, 2021, Caltrans announced the beginning of a 30-day public review period which will close March 9, 2021. A public survey to submit comments can be reached following this link

Resources available for review can be accessed at or as linked below: 

The plan identifies bicycle and pedestrian needs on, across and parallel to, the State Transportation System. Toole Design Group, the consulting team, developed an overarching statewide data framework and methodology for using the active transportation data. The Caltrans Plan was last discussed at the January 6, 2021 Bike & Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee meeting.

Caltrans wants to align the state’s bicycle and pedestrian network with the needs of local communities, with an emphasis on improving social equity, reconnecting neighborhoods and improving access for all modes of transportation, including people who walk or bicycle. Caltrans is actively engaging with partners and community members in areas where previous transportation decisions may have created barriers to adequate transportation.

Regarding the release of the draft Plan, the Caltrans District 5 Director Tim Gubbins noted, "We look forward to hearing from the public on what they believe are the most important priorities in their communities and how we can best integrate them into our transportation projects moving forward."