Item Coversheet

Agenda Item 5.

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Executive Committee


Rita Goel, Director of Finance & Administration

Meeting Date:

May 5, 2021


Overall Work Program, Integrated Funding Plan & 3-Year Budget FY 21/22

RECOMMEND that the Board APPROVE Resolution 2021-05 adopting the three-year budget for fiscal years 21/22 through 23/24 and the Overall Work Program for fiscal year 21/22, and the 2021 Integrated Funding Plan.
This action results in adoption of the Agency’s final budget, Overall Work Program, and Integrated Funding Plan for fiscal year 21/22, including federal, state and local grant authorizations and certifications, and out year budgets for fiscal years 22/23 and 23/24. In February, the Board adopted the draft budget. This budget version makes changes to reflect the latest information on revenues and expenditures.
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County gets majority of its funding from state and federal sources. The funding is usually specific to the project or program for which it is granted and cannot be used to cover expenditures of a different project or program, e.g., the funding received for the call box program can only be used for motorist aid programs, and funding for the Salinas Rail Station project is only available for that rail-related project.

The Agency budget separates expenditures into two types: operating and direct. Operating expenditures include staff salaries and benefits, materials and supplies, and equipment purchases. The big change in the budgeting process this fiscal year is that under the Direct Programs, capital expenditures, e.g. Rail to Salinas, are incorporated into the Integrated Funding Plan.   Ongoing programs, e.g. Freeway Service Patrol, Call Boxes, and Go 831 traveler information programs, will remain in the budget. 

Operating: The proposed fiscal year 2021-2022 operating expenditure budget is $3,810,434, a net increase over fiscal year 2020-2021 of $211,138.

Direct Program: The proposed fiscal year current direct program expenditure budget is $2,030,739 a net decrease over fiscal year 20/21 of $11,692,180. This decrease is primarily due to the capital expenditures related to the Rail to Salinas project being incorporated into the Integrated Funding Plan.

Three Year Budget

Changes since the Board reviewed the draft budget on February 24, 2021 are:

Operating Budget               February Draft       May Final         Difference
Revenue & Expenditures     $3,679,434            $3,810,434       + $131,000


Revenues changes:
1. Planning, Programming & Monitoring funds from federal COVID assistance legislation, increased by $112,000.
2. Undesignated reserve usage to match expenses, increased by $19,000.

Expenditures changed as follows:
1. Computer costs increased by $75,000 to allow for replacements and transition to more telework-friendly equipment.
2. Recruitment costs in the amount of $50,000 added in light of the Executive Director's impending retirement.
3. Cyber Security costs increased by $6,000 to protect agency information from a ransomware attack or other system infiltration.
Direct Programs                 February Draft        May Final         Difference
Revenue & Expenditures    $1,910,739             $2,030,739       +$120,000

Revenues/Expenditures changes due to:
1. Rail to Salinas HDR amendment 1 to fund increased design services, funded by Regional Surface Transportation Program, added $45,000.
2. Federal legislative advocate expenditures, funded by Undesignated Reserves, added $75,000.

Benefit and salary changes are set forth in the resolution, as well as authority for out of state travel trips.

Details of the operating and direct budgets are attached.


Annual Work Program:

The final overall work program contains only minor changes made in response to comments by Caltrans and to reflect the budget modifications noted above. These changes have very little effect on the 2021/22 work program that the Executive Committee and Board reviewed in February.  


2021/22 Overall Work Program Highlights, by Agency Goal:


Deliver Projects (and Programs)

Measure X administration and implementation including:

  • Work with Caltrans on state highway projects:
    • Monterey to Salinas Highway 68 Corridor:  environmental review and preliminary engineering;
    • Highway 156/Castroville Boulevard Interchange: final engineering design and acquisition of right-of-way; and,
    • US 101 Safety Improvements – South of Salinas:  update Project Study Report in coordination with the public and key stakeholders and prepare for the environmental phase of the project.
  • Imjin Road improvements:  work with City of Marina to initiate construction and support public information and outreach activities.
  • Highway 1 SURF! busway on the Monterey Branch Rail Line:  work with MST on final design and funding.
  • SR 156-Blackie Road Extension:  coordinate with County of Monterey to initiate environmental review and preliminary engineering.
  • Fort Ord Regional Trail and Greenway:  complete the Right-of-Way and final engineering phase for the Del Rey Oaks/SR 218 segment and pursue grant funding for other Fort Ord Regional Trail and Greenway segments.
  • Habitat Preservation/Advance Mitigation:   pursue advance mitigation opportunities based on the on the Resource Conservation Investment Strategy. 
  • Safe Routes to School:  continue implementing the Every Child education and Salinas Safe Routes to Schools grants as part of a coordinated effort to advance the education, enforcement and engineering improvements to reduce collisions and encourage active transportation to improve the health of school children.
  • Senior and Disabled Mobility program: oversee programs funded in the second grant cycle.

Non-Measure X Projects:

- Salinas Rail Extension Project: 

  • Transfer ownership of the Salinas train station improvements to the City of Salinas.
  • Continue the right-of-way acquisition and final design for the layover facility and Gilroy station modifications portions of the project.

- Wayfinding Signs:  begin installation of wayfinding signs for routes identified in the Regional Bicycle Wayfinding Plan.

Administration of Ongoing Programs:

  • Go831 traveler information program:  renew outreach to major employers to encourage carpooling, vanpooling, telecommuting, using the bus, biking and walking to work.
  • Bicycle Secure Program: fund racks, lockers and related secure storage for bicycles, skateboards and scooters.

Maximize Funding

  • Matching grants:  work to secure SB 1, potential new federal funding, and other matching grants for priority projects
  • Planning grants:  evaluate the need for future corridor studies and safe routes to school grants. Begin implementation of any planning grants received in the prior cycle.  
  • Other agencies:  assist Caltrans, Monterey-Salinas Transit and member agencies in securing funding and delivering transportation improvements. Emphasis will be on supporting member agencies' Active Transportation Program applications and grant programs for the SURF! busway along Highway 1.

Communicate Early and Often

  • Continue high level of public interactions during project development and construction. 
  • Projects that will be a focus of agency outreach are:
    • Imjin Parkway improvements
    • Segment 1 of the Fort Ord Regional Trail and Greenway project, and
    • US 101 South of Salinas.
  • Prepare Agency and Measure X annual report.
  • Assist member agencies with public outreach.
  • Continue ongoing agency media outreach, staff and Board member education.

Prepare for the Future

  • Continue developing the 2022 Regional Transportation Plan update.
  • Participate in state and federal policy discussions advocating for the policies adopted in the Agency's legislative platform.
  • Participate in Central Coast Counties efforts to coordinate electric vehicle charging infrastructure for freight and interregional passenger vehicle travel.
  • Monitor emerging transportation technologies including autonomous cars and trucks and Urban Air Mobility.
  • Complete streets: support local use of bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements as part of a “complete streets” policy.
  • Intersection safety and roundabouts:  continue to evaluate and support the installation of new engineering designs for intersections to improve safety.
  • SAFE Callbox Program:  coordinate with CHP to complete the removal of underutilized call boxes.
  • Blue Zones:  coordinate with the Blue Zone health and longevity program to promote active transportation and related safety improvements as the program expands countywide. 


Integrated Funding Plan:


The proposed 2021 Integrated Funding Plan updates the 2019 version of the plan with the latest funding and timing information for the projects and programs. The 2021 version of the plan includes a few additional projects to be consistent with staff work identified in the budget and work program. 


Project development phases doesn't don't naturally follow the Agency's July 1 to June 30 fiscal year calendar. Past Agency budgets included direct project costs such as property acquisitions for the Salinas Rail Extension project. These costs would often carry over from year-to-year, artificially inflating the Agency's direct budget. The Integrated Funding Plan covers all expenses associated with a given project. More closely aligning the Integrated Funding Plan with the Budget and Overall Work Program provides a summary of project's and program's timing and funding while allowing the Budget and Overall Work Program to focus on the Agency's planning activities and ongoing programs e.g. Freeway Service Patrol, Call Boxes, and Go 831 traveler information program.

The resolution recommended for TAMC Board adoption of the FY 2021/22 budget and overall work program is attached.

Budget - Three-Year - FY21/22 - 23/24
Budget & OWP Resolution FY 21/22
Overall Work Program Summary
2021 Integrated Funding Plan