Item Coversheet

Agenda Item 6.

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Executive Committee


Debra L. Hale, Executive Director

Meeting Date:

June 7, 2017


Update of Agency Bylaws

REVIEW provide direction to staff on the proposed amendments to the Agency bylaws. 
Several updates to the Agency bylaws are needed, including clarification of the requirements for adding a late item to the Board agenda, role of alternates on the Executive Committee, and characterization of annual member agency assessments. 

In response to Executive Committee inquiries, as well as a need for periodic updates, staff has drafted the attached proposed revisions to the Transportation Agency's bylaws.  The proposed revisions are attached, and by and large, are related to three issues.


First, the changes address the issue of late-breaking agenda items. The current process by which the Executive Committee reviews the draft Transportation Agency Board of Directors agenda has worked well for regular agenda items.  However, in some cases agenda items needing attention arise after the Executive Committee but before the agenda closing on the Thursday, 9 days before the Board of Directors meeting.  Recognizing that often-times such items are ministerial, the Committee suggested that the Executive Director check in with the Chair, or Chair and first Vice Chair when items arise after the Executive Committee review, but before the agenda deadline. 


Second, questions have arisen regarding the role of alternate Board members on the Executive Committee, and clarification is sought for the bylaws.  While County staff alternates are often well-versed in TAMC issues, City alternates may not attend as frequently or may represent different viewpoints than the regular member.  In addition, there may be sensitive personnel items that the Executive Committee may prefer not to have staff alternates make decisions on. This situation, however, may result in the lack of a quorum.  The proposed language would reflect existing practice, which allows alternates to represent their Board member in all situations, including at the Executive Committee.  The Committee may prefer to recommend that alternates be recused from participating in discussion of specific issues, such as personnel matters, closed sessions, or closed sessions relating to personnel matters. 


Third, staff proposes to rename the annual congestion management program assessments as Regional Transportation Planning Agency assessments, to better reflect actual usage of the member agency contributions, which are one of the agency's few local funding sources.  In addition, there are minor wording changes proposed, as shown, including removing the successor agency designation from the title of the bylaws (it is retained in the language of the first part of the bylaws). 

TAMC Bylaws - Proposed June 2017 revisions