Regional Transportation Planning Agency - Local Transportation Commission
Monterey County Service Authority for Freeways & Expressways - Email: info@tamcmonterey.org








Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Agricultural Center Conference Room

1428 Abbott Street

Salinas, California

**9:00 AM**




(Agendas are on display and are posted 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting at the Transportation Agency office and at these public libraries:  Carmel, Monterey, Salinas Steinbeck Branch, Seaside, Prunedale, King City, Hartnell College, Monterey Peninsula College, and Cal State University Monterey Bay. Any person who has a question concerning an item on this agenda may call the Transportation Agency office at 831-775-0903 to make inquiry concerning the nature of the item described on the agenda.) The agenda and all enclosures are available on the Transportation Agency website: www.tamcmonterey.org, by clicking on Transportation Agency Board, meetings and agendas, click on agenda item and open it, click on report attachments listed at end of report.

Transportation Agency by-laws require a quorum of a minimum of 9 voting members, including a minimum of 7 city representatives and 1 county representative.


If you are unable to attend, please contact your alternate. Your courtesy to the other Transportation Agency Board members to assure a quorum is appreciated.

Any person may address the Transportation Agency Board at this time.  Presentations should not exceed three minutes, should be directed to an item NOT on today's agenda, and should be within the jurisdiction of the Transportation Agency Board. Though it is not required, the Transportation Agency Board appreciates your cooperation in completing a speaker request form available on the table at the entrance to the meeting room.  Please give the completed form to the Transportation Agency Administrative Assistant. If you have handouts, please provide 30 copies for the entire Board before the meeting starts or email to Agency Administrative Assistant 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

Approve the staff recommendations for items listed below by majority vote with one motion.  Any member may pull an item off the Consent Agenda to be moved to the end of the CONSENT AGENDA for discussion and action.


PRESENT Transportation Agency Employee of the Quarter to Christina Watson.

- Hale

Christina Watson has been selected by the employees of the Transportation Agency for Monterey County as the Employee of the Quarter for January – March 2019.


PUBLIC COMMENT on the Closed Session;




Pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1), the Board will confer with legal counsel regarding existing litigation:


  1. TAMC v. Olga Chisum, et al., Court Number 17CV001194
  2. TAMC v. MWM Investments, Court Number 17CV001231


RECONVENE in open session and report any actions taken.

- Zeller

Salinas Rail Project Package 1 - Construction Contract:

  1. APPROVE the project plans and specifications;
  2. APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Executive Director, subject to approval by Agency Counsel and Caltrans Audits and Investigations, to execute a contract with Monterey Peninsula Engineering in an amount not to exceed $7,487,989, with an anticipated completion date of September 2020, for construction of the Package 1 Improvements at the Salinas Train Station;
  3. AUTHORIZE the use of funds from the approved project budget for this work in an amount not to exceed $7,487,989, and $1,123,200 as a contingency fund for change orders; and
  4. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to take such other further actions as may be necessary to fulfill the intent of the contract, including approvals of future modifications or amendments that do not significantly alter the scope of work or change the approved contract amount or term.
- Williamson

On December 11, 2018, the Agency published bid documents for qualified contractors to construct the Package 1 improvements at the Salinas Train Station.   These improvements include enhanced pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular access, and parking improvements as well as the abandonment of Station Place and the extension of Lincoln Avenue from Market Street to Railroad Avenue.  On March 19, 2019, TAMC held the bid opening and received seven (7) bids.


RECEIVE presentation on the draft 2019 Five-Year Integrated Funding Plan.

- Zeller
To ensure efficient coordination among various fund sources, the 2019 Integrated Funding Plan identifies projects that are strong candidates for specific Senate Bill 1 grants, State Transportation Improvement Program funds, Measure X, and other matching funds, and can be brought to construction over the next five years.

RECEIVE update on state legislative activities and ADOPT positions on legislation.

- Watson

Staff and Agency Legislative Analyst Gus Khouri will present a legislative update and a bill list for consideration. The Executive Committee discussed state legislative issues and recommended positions on relevant legislation at their April 3 meeting.


RECEIVE reports from Transportation Providers:

  • Caltrans Director's Report and Project Update - Gubbins
  • Monterey Peninsula Airport - Sabo
  • Monterey-Salinas Transit - Sedoryk
  • Monterey Bay Air Resources District - Stedman


10.Reports on meetings attended by Board Members at Transportation Agency expense, as required by state law.


11.Executive Director's Report.


12.Announcements and/or comments from Transportation Agency members on matters that they wish to put on future Transportation Agency agendas.



BEGINNING OF CONSENT AGENDA: Approve the staff recommendations for items listed below by majority vote with one motion.  Any member may pull an item off the Consent Agenda to be moved to the end of the CONSENT AGENDA for discussion and action.

3.1.1APPROVE minutes of the Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) the Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways, and the Monterey County Regional Development Impact Fee Joint Powers Agency for March 27, 2019.

ACCEPT the list of checks written for the month of March 2019 and credit card statements for the month of February 2019.

- Delfino

The list of checks and copies of credit card statements are submitted to the Transportation Agency Board each month in accordance with the recommendation from the Transportation Agency’s independent Certified Public Accountant to keep the Board informed about the Transportation Agency’s financial transactions.

3.1.3APPROVE revisions to the Administrative Policies.
- Goel
The Agency Board first approved these policies in 2000, though periodic changes and additions have been made since then. The first comprehensive update was done in December 2005. Updates were also done in February 2008, September 2009, June 2011and June 2014. Some additional revisions are being proposed at this time to bring the policies up to date.

RECEIVE report on conferences or trainings attended by agency staff.

- Muck

Agency staff attend conferences or trainings at Agency expense that are pertinent to their roles in pursuing the Agency’s mission.  These events allow the staff to stay current and participate in the development of transportation practices and policies related to their roles.


3.PLANNING - No items this month

Grant Preparation Assistance:

  1. APPROVE  and AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to execute a contract with Cathedral Oaks Consulting, subject to approval by Agency Counsel, in an amount not-to-exceed $150,000 to provide grant preparation assistance services through June 30, 2022;
  2. APPROVE the use of Measure X funds budgeted to this project; and
  3. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to take such other further actions as may be necessary to fulfill the intent of the contract, including approvals of future modifications or amendments that do not significantly alter the scope of work, or change the approved contract term or amount, subject to approval by Agency Counsel.
- Hale

On January 23, 2019, the Agency Board approved issuing a Request for Qualifications for consultant assistance and expertise to prepare grant applications to provide matching funds for various Measure X and other priority projects.  In the past, such assistance was utilized to secure over $30 million in state competitive funding. Of the six submittals received by the deadline of March 7, 2019, four were found responsive, and a review committee recommended selection of Cathedral Oaks Consulting for this on-call contract.


Safe Routes to School Program Implementation Request for Proposals:

  1. APPROVE the release of a Request for Proposals for consultants to assist in expanding the Measure X Safe Routes to School Program implementation; and
  2. DIRECT staff to release the request for proposals to potential consultants at a not-to exceed amount of $1,580,000, including an initial three-year contract and three optional one-year contract extensions.
- Green
The request for proposals will help TAMC staff to implement the education, encouragement and enforcement programs of the Measure X Safe Routes to School program identified in the Every Child: Community-Supported Safe Routes to School grant.  Programs will be implemented in Salinas, Seaside, Marina, Monterey, Castroville, Pajaro, Prunedale, Gonzales, Soledad, Greenfield and King City over the next three-years. 

Pavement Management Program Services:

  1. APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to execute contract renewal and amendment with Nichols Consulting Engineers, CHTD, subject to approval by Agency Counsel, in an amount not to exceed $13,716 to provide Pavement Management Program services, and extend the term of the agreement to December 31, 2019;
  2. APPROVE the use of Measure X funds budgeted to the Pavement Management Program; and
  3. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to take such other further actions as may be necessary to fulfill the intent of the contract amendment, including approvals of future modifications or amendments that do not significantly alter the scope of work, or change the approved agreement term or amount.
- Deal

Nichols Consulting Engineers (NCE) has been performing pavement management program services to collect over 1,300 center-line miles of pavement condition data throughout the County of Monterey  and creating pavement management databases for each participating member jurisdiction. NCE was originally hired for this work in September 2017 after a formal Request for Proposals process. The contract amendment allows NCE to complete the 77 additional miles in County of Monterey that exceeded the original mileage estimate. This amendment also extends the term of the agreement to allow enough time to complete all of the items in the amended Scope of Work. The contract needs to be renewed in order to execute these amendments, because the term of the contract expired February 28, 2019.


Salinas Rail Project - HDR Engineering Contract Amendment #6:

  1. APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to execute contract amendment #6 with HDR Engineering Inc., subject to approval by Agency Counsel, in an amount not to exceed $297,151, to complete the design work for Package 1 at the Salinas train station, and to extend the contract deadline by eighteen months from June 30, 2019 to December 31, 2020;
  2. AUTHORIZE the use of state funds budgeted to this project;
  3. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to take such other further actions as may be necessary to fulfill the intent of the contract, including approvals of future modifications or amendments that do not significantly alter the scope of work, or change the approved contract term or amount; and
  4. APPROVE sole source finding.
- Watson

The Salinas Rail Extension Kick Start Project is in the final design phase. HDR Engineering, Inc. was originally hired for this work in June 2014 after a formal Request for Proposals process. The contract now needs to be amended for a sixth and final time, to incorporate additional required work not anticipated, including an extensive utility relocation effort for Package 1 (Lincoln Avenue extension). This amendment removes the final design for Packages 2 (Salinas Layover Facility) and 3 (Gilroy station access and Coast Mainline track work) due to uncertainties related to Union Pacific; these Packages will be a part of a future Request for Proposals to bring them from the current 75% design status to final design and construction readiness. Staff recommends a sole source finding for this proposed amendment #6 based on the related nature of the tasks and efficiencies involved.


Rail Network Integration Study Contract:

  1. APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to execute a contract with AECOM, subject to approval by Agency Counsel and the Independent Office of Audits and Investigations, in an amount not to exceed $350,000, to prepare a Monterey Bay Area Rail Network Integration Study, for the period ending June 30, 2021;
  2. APPROVE the use of Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program funds budgeted to this purpose; and
  3. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to take such other further actions as may be necessary to fulfill the intent of the contract, including approvals of future modifications or amendments that do not significantly alter the scope of work, or change the approved contract term or amount.
- Watson

TAMC published a request for proposals on December 5, 2018, to select a firm to perform a Monterey Bay Area Network Integration Study. A selection committee reviewed the three proposals received by the deadline of February 7, 2019, held interviews on February 21, 2019, and unanimously recommend AECOM to do this work.


ACCEPT draft minutes of the Transportation Agency Committees:


- Rodriguez
3.7.2RECEIVE correspondence to and from TAMC for the month of April 2019.
- Rodriguez


Next Transportation Agency for Monterey County meeting will be on
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Agricultural Center Conference Room
1428 Abbott Street
Salinas, California
9:00 A.M.

Documents relating to an item on the open session that are distributed to the Board less than 72 hours prior to the meeting shall be available for public inspection at the Office of the Transportation Agency for Monterey County, 55-B Plaza Circle, Salinas, CA. 


Documents distributed to the Agency Board at the meeting by staff will be available at the meeting; documents distributed to the Board by members of the public shall be made available after the meeting.


The Transportation Agency web site contains information from the Transportation Agency Resource Guide, including Transportation Agency Board members, Transportation Agency committee members, grant programs, etc.  Visit us at:  http://www.tamcmonterey.org.


Transportation Agency for Monterey County

55-B Plaza Circle, Salinas, CA 93901-2902

Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

TEL: 831-775-0903

FAX: 831-775-0897

If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC, Sec. 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Individuals requesting a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, may contact Transportation Agency at 831-775-0903. Auxiliary aids or services include wheelchair accessible facilities, sign language interpreters, Spanish Language interpreters and printed materials, and printed materials in large print, Braille or on disk. These requests may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting, and should be made at least 72 hours before the meeting. All reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate the request.