Regional Transportation Planning Agency - Local Transportation Commission
Monterey County Service Authority for Freeways & Expressways
Monterey County Regional Development Impact Fee Joint Powers Agency


**Luis Alejo will be joining the meeting via teleconference from 7237 S. 40th Lane Phoenix, Arizona**


Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Monterey Bay Air Resources District Conference Room, 24580 Silver Cloud Court, Monterey CA 93940


**9:00 AM**

(Agendas are on display and are posted 72 hours prior to the scheduled meeting at the Transportation Agency office and at these public libraries:  Carmel, Marina, Monterey, Salinas Steinbeck Branch, Seaside, Prunedale, King City, Hartnell College, Monterey Peninsula College, and Cal State University Monterey Bay. Any person who has a question concerning an item on this agenda may call the Transportation Agency office at 831-775-0903 to make inquiry concerning the nature of the item described on the agenda.) The agenda and all enclosures are available on the Transportation Agency website:, by clicking on Transportation Agency Board, meetings and agendas, click on agenda item and open it, click on report attachments listed at end of report.

Transportation Agency by-laws require a quorum of a minimum of 9 voting members, including a minimum of 7 city representatives and 1 county representative.


If you are unable to attend, please contact your alternate. Your courtesy to the other Transportation Agency Board members to assure a quorum is appreciated.

Any person may address the Transportation Agency Board at this time.  Presentations should not exceed three minutes, should be directed to an item NOT on today's agenda, and should be within the jurisdiction of the Transportation Agency Board. Though it is not required, the Transportation Agency Board appreciates your cooperation in completing a speaker request form available on the table at the entrance to the meeting room.  Please give the completed form to the Transportation Agency Administrative Assistant. If you have handouts, please provide 30 copies for the entire Board before the meeting starts or email to Agency Administrative Assistant 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

Approve the staff recommendations for items listed below by majority vote with one motion.  Any member may pull an item off the Consent Agenda to be moved to the end of the CONSENT AGENDA for discussion and action.

4.RECEIVE presentation and PROVIDE feedback on innovative ideas on how to improve the built environment to improve the heath and well-being for Monterey County residents.
- Dan Burden, Blue Zones National
The Blue Zones Project is a community-by-community well-being improvement initiative designed to help people lead longer, better lives by making healthy choices easier. The initiative promotes simple permanent or semi-permanent changes to community, organization and home environments that support healthy lifestyle behaviors and habits based on Blue Zones cultures.  

ADOPT  Resolution 2020-03 which determines the Seaside & Marina Safe Walking & Biking to School: Complete Streets Plan and its proposed improvements were identified and analyzed in the program-level EIR for the 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan/Regional Transportation Plan and adopts the Seaside & Marina Safe Walking & Biking to School: Complete Streets Plan.

- Green
The draft Seaside & Marina Safe Walking & Biking to School: Complete Streets Plan was developed with input from partner agencies, stakeholders and community members. The Plan documents existing bike and pedestrian conditions, analyzes demographic and safety data and includes a list of infrastructure and non-infrastructure recommendations for fifteen K-12 public schools in Seaside and Marina.

Unmet Transit Needs Public Hearing

  1. RECEIVE presentation on the unmet transit needs process;
  2. OPEN public hearing on unmet transit needs;
  3. RECEIVE public comment; and
  4. CLOSE public hearing.
- Castillo
In its role as the Transportation Development Act fund administrator, the Transportation Agency annually seeks public input to identify unmet transit needs in Monterey County prior to allocating Local Transportation Funds.

RECEIVE an update on State Route 156/Castroville Boulevard Interchange project and a presentation on the current project design.

- Deal

This presentation updates the Board as Caltrans nears the 30% design milestone for the State Route 156/Castroville Boulevard Interchange project. 


Monterey Branch Line Recreational Use Handcar Lease Agreement

  1. DETERMINE that approval of a Lease Agreement  with the Museum of Handcar Technology LLC for a temporary use of the Monterey Branch Line right-of-way for a demonstration project for a possible recreational enterprise during the summer of 2020 is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to California Resources Code Section 21084 and CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301 (Existing Facilities) and 15306 (Information Collection);
  2. APPROVE the Lease Agreement;
  3. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to execute the Lease Agreement; and
  4. AUTHORIZE staff to file a Notice of Exemption on the Lease Agreement.
- Watson

On January 8, 2020, the Executive Committee directed staff to negotiate a lease agreement with the Museum of Handcar Technology LLC for a proof of concept recreational handcar demonstration project on three miles of the Monterey Branch Line.


RECEIVE reports from Transportation Providers:

  • Caltrans Director's Report and Project Update- Gubbins
  • Monterey Peninsula Airport- Sabo
  • Monterey-Salinas Transit- Sedoryk
  • Monterey Bay Air Resources District- Stedman
10.Reports on meetings attended by Board Members at Transportation Agency expense, as required by state law.


11.Executive Director's Report.


12.Announcements and/or comments from Transportation Agency members on matters that they wish to put on future Transportation Agency agendas.



BEGINNING OF CONSENT AGENDA: Approve the staff recommendations for items listed below by majority vote with one motion.  Any member may pull an item off the Consent Agenda to be moved to the end of the CONSENT AGENDA for discussion and action.


APPROVE the draft minutes of the Transportation Agency for Monterey County, the Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways and the Monterey Regional Development Impact Fee Joint Powers Agency for Monterey County meeting of January 22, 2020.

- Rodriguez

ACCEPT the list of checks written for the month of January 2020 and credit card statements for the month of December 2019.

- Delfino

The list of checks and copies of credit card statements are submitted to the Transportation Agency Board each month in accordance with the recommendation from the Transportation Agency’s independent Certified Public Accountant to keep the Board informed about the Transportation Agency’s financial transactions.

3.1.3RECEIVE list of contracts awarded under $50,000.
- Goel

The list of contracts awarded by the Transportation Agency for Monterey County for services under $50,000 approved by the Executive Director is submitted each month in accordance with the Agency's Procurement Policies to keep the Board informed.


RECEIVE report on conferences or trainings attended by agency staff.

- Muck

Agency staff attend conferences or trainings at Agency expense that are pertinent to their roles in pursuing the Agency’s mission.  These events allow the staff to stay current and participate in the development of transportation practices and policies related to their roles.


Draft Overall Work Program & Budget

  1. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to submit the draft fiscal year 2020/21 budget and overall work program to state funding agencies for initial review;
  2. PROVIDE direction and guidance to staff on the three-year budget for fiscal years 2020/21 through 22/23, and the overall work program for fiscal year 2020/21; and
  3. DIRECT the Executive Director to bring the final three-year budget and one-year overall work program back to the Board on May 27, 2020 for approval.
- Goel/Muck
The Executive Committee has reviewed the budget and overall work program and recommends approval. February approval of the draft three-year budget and one-year overall work program is required in order to meet state review deadlines. Staff will respond to Caltrans and Board comments and will bring the final documents back for approval in May 2020. The Agency continues to control expenditures to stay within its budget, and maintains a prudent cash reserve. The annual Transportation Agency for Monterey County Overall Work Program describes the activities that the Agency will undertake during the next fiscal year and provides the basis for the 2020/21 budget.
3.1.6APPROVE revisions to the Human Resources Rules and Regulations.
- Goel

The Agency Board first approved these policies and regulations in 2000, alhough periodic changes and additions have been made since then. The last comprehensive update was done in March 2016. Revisions are being proposed at this time to bring the policies up to date.


Assignment of TAMC Lease of Property

  1. APPROVE the Ground Lease Assignment and Assumption Agreement – Third Party Leased Property (“Assignment Agreement”), by and among P&S Real Estate Co. (Blackstock) and Cappo Management LIV, LLC (Victory Automotive Group) and TAMC, consenting to the assignment of two leases of property behind 1721 Del Monte Boulevard in Seaside, California; and
  2. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to execute the Assignment Agreement.
- Delfino
The Transportation Agency leases portions of the Monterey Branch Line to adjacent property owners along Del Monte Boulevard, such as P&S Real Estate Co., which has owned and operated the Lexus dealership in Seaside.  These leases provide that they can be assigned with the consent of the Agency.  As part of the transfer of ownership, the buyer reached out to the Agency to obtain such consent.  The Assignment Agreement does not otherwise change the lease terms.

Federal Funds for Rural Transit:

  1. APPROVE the Federal Transit Administration Section 5311 Program of Projects in the amount of $659,628  for Monterey-Salinas Transit service on rural transit routes;
  2. ADOPT Resolution 2020-01  authorizing funding under the Federal Transit Administration Section 5311 program; and
  3. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to sign the Regional Agency Certifications and Assurances for the program of projects.
- Castillo
The Federal Transit Administration provides operating support for rural transit services through the Section 5311 non-urbanized funding program. TAMC's approval is necessary for Monterey-Salinas Transit to receive this Section 5311 funding to operate rural transit service in South County, such as Line 23. 
3.2.2ADOPT Resolution 2020-02 apportioning $18,750,000 in Fiscal Year 2020-21 Local Transportation Funds to Monterey-Salinas Transit and the Transportation Agency, as specified.
- Castillo
The Transportation Agency is responsible for administering Local Transportation Funds in Monterey County pursuant to the California Transportation Development Act. The Local Transportation Fund is a designated source of funding for planning, bicycle and pedestrian projects, and public transit. Each February, the Transportation Agency apportions (i.e. estimates) the funds expected to be available in the next fiscal year, so that Monterey-Salinas Transit can budget for the coming year, and distributes the funds in June. 

AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to enter into a short-term Measure X loan agreement for $3,000,000 with Monterey-Salinas Transit, subject to approval by Counsel, to support the construction of the King City Maintenance and Operations Facility, to be repaid upon receipt of U.S. Department of Transportation Funds. 

- Jacobsen

Monterey-Salinas Transit has requested a short-term Measure X loan to support the construction of the King City Maintenance and Operations Facility due to the uncertainty of the final closing date of a federal loan. This short-term loan of $3,000,000 is intended to carry the cost of final design and construction while MST obtains a Rural Project Initiative loan with the U.S. Department of Transportation. The Measure X loan will be repaid with MST's long-term Rural Project Initiative loan funds. 


Regional Traffic Counts Program Agreement:

  1. APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to execute a contract with Innovative Data Acquisitions in an amount not-to-exceed $91,056 to conduct traffic counts in locations throughout Monterey County for the period ending in December 31, 2022;
  2. APPROVE the use of $91,056 for the term of the agreement in funds budgeted for this purpose; and
  3. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to make administrative changes to the contract if such changes do not increase the Agency's net cost, pending approval by Agency counsel; and
  4. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to enter into a reimbursement agreement with TAMC member jurisdictions as requested by those jurisdictions, for the cost of additional counts requested. 
- Castillo
The Agency conducted a competitive request for proposals process to select a qualified consultant to conduct traffic counts at approximately 175 locations throughout Monterey County for three calendar years: 2020, 2021 and 2022. Counts will include pedestrian and bicycle counts required for Agency projects that receive funds from the state active transportation program. The Agency received three proposals, two responsive and one unresponsive. A review committee recommends Innovative Data Acquisitions be selected to perform the work.

ADOPT goals, policy objectives and performance measures for the 2022 Regional Transportation Plan.

- Jacobsen
Every four years, the Transportation Agency is responsible for developing an updated Regional Transportation Plan, pursuant to state and federal transportation planning requirements. Adoption of the goals, policy objectives and performance measures is a necessary step in the development of the 2022 Regional Transportation Plan. These collaboratively-developed measures will inform transportation decisions and investments for the 20 year vision for Monterey County.
3.4.1AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to enter into a Cooperative Agreement with Caltrans to allow the expenditure of $2,593,665 of federal Highway Improvement Program funds to complete the environmental review process for the Scenic State Route 68 project, subject to Agency Counsel approval.
- Zeller

The 2019 Integrated Funding Plan, as approved by the Transportation Agency Board, programmed $2,593,665 of federal Highway Improvement Program funds to the Scenic State Route 68. In order for Caltrans to expend these funds to finish the environmental review process, a Cooperative Agreement is required that outlines the duties of Caltrans and the Transportation Agency.


APPROVE and AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to enter into a Measure X Funding Agreement with the City of Marina, subject to approval by Agency Counsel, for an amount not to exceed $17,000,000, to fund the construction of the Marina - Salinas Multimodal Corridor: Imjin Road Widening project.

- Zeller

The City of Marina is the implementing agency for the Marina - Salinas Multimodal Corridor: Imjin Road Widening project.  This funding agreement between the City of Marina and TAMC allows a portion of the City's project costs to be funded and reimbursed through Measure X. 


Measure X FY 2018/19 Annual Audit:

  1. RECEIVE an update on the results of the Measure X annual audit and compliance reporting for 2018/19; and
  2. APPROVE remediation measures for the Cities of Pacific Grove and Salinas to remain in compliance with the Measure X implementing ordinance.
- Zeller
The purpose of the Measure X annual audit is to confirm that the funding recipients -- TAMC, the County of Monterey and the twelve incorporated cities -- have complied with the voter-approved requirements specified in Ordinance 2016-01 for the Transportation Safety and Investment Plan. 

RECEIVE the Freeway Service Patrol Annual Report for fiscal year 2017-2018.

- Williamson

The Freeway Service Patrol Annual Report summarizes the program’s performance and compares it with the previous two fiscal years. This annual report is based on the latest year of complete data available from the State, which is 2017-18.  In 2017-18, the tow truck program provided an average benefit of $9.00 for every $1.00 invested in the program, or an annual savings of 70,268 vehicle hours of delay, 120,797 gallons of fuel savings, and a decrease of 1,062,953 kilograms per year in carbon dioxide.


Regional Surface Transportation Program Fair Share Allocation:

  1. APPROVE the request by the City of Pacific Grove to program $53,862.71 in Regional Surface Transportation Program fair share funds to the Congress Avenue Road Rehabilitation Project; and
  2. APPROVE amending Exhibit A of the local funding agreement to include this project and funding.
- Zeller
The Agency has distributed Regional Surface Transportation Program fair share funding by population to the local jurisdictions for a wide range of eligible transportation projects.  Funding is available at the discretion of the local jurisdiction for their chosen projects, upon approval by the Transportation Agency Board.

APPOINT Dave Potter as the TAMC representative and Mike LeBarre as the alternate to the Coast Rail Coordinating Council Policy Committee.

- Watson

On January 6, 2020, the Rail Policy Committee unanimously recommended the re-appointment of Carmel Mayor Dave Potter and King City Mayor Mike LeBarre to represent TAMC on the Coast Rail Coordinating Council Policy Committee.


ACCEPT draft minutes of the Transportation Agency Committees:

- Rodriguez
3.7.2RECEIVE correspondence to and from TAMC for the month of February 2020.
- Rodriguez



Next Transportation Agency for Monterey County meeting will be on
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Agricultural Center Conference Room
1428 Abbott Street
Salinas, California
9:00 A.M.

Documents relating to an item on the open session that are distributed to the Board less than 72 hours prior to the meeting shall be available for public inspection at the Office of the Transportation Agency for Monterey County, 55-B Plaza Circle, Salinas, CA. 


Documents distributed to the Agency Board at the meeting by staff will be available at the meeting; documents distributed to the Board by members of the public shall be made available after the meeting.


The Transportation Agency web site contains information from the Transportation Agency Resource Guide, including Transportation Agency Board members, Transportation Agency committee members, grant programs, etc.  Visit us at:


Transportation Agency for Monterey County

55-B Plaza Circle, Salinas, CA 93901-2902

Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

TEL: 831-775-0903

FAX: 831-775-0897

If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC, Sec. 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Individuals requesting a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, may contact Transportation Agency at 831-775-0903. Auxiliary aids or services include wheelchair accessible facilities, sign language interpreters, Spanish Language interpreters and printed materials, and printed materials in large print, Braille or on disk. These requests may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting, and should be made at least 72 hours before the meeting. All reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate the request.