Regional Transportation Planning Agency - Local Transportation Commission
Monterey County Service Authority for Freeways and Expressways
Monterey County Regional Development Impact Fee Joint Powers Agency



Wednesday, October 26, 2022

**9:00 AM**



There will be NO physical location of the meeting.

Please see all the special meeting instructions at the end of the agenda.

Join meeting online at:


By teleconference at: +1 669 900 6833


Meeting ID: 446 951 513
Password: 194463

The agenda and all enclosures are available on the Transportation Agency website:, by clicking on Transportation Agency Board, meetings and agendas, click on agenda item and open it, click on report attachments listed at end of report.

Transportation Agency by-laws require a quorum of a minimum of 9 voting members, including a minimum of 7 city representatives and 1 county representative.


If you are unable to attend, please contact your alternate. Your courtesy to the other Transportation Agency Board members to assure a quorum is appreciated.

Any member of the public may address the Board on any item not on the agenda but within the jurisdiction of the Board. Under this item, each member of the public is allowed three minutes to address concerns. Comments in items on this agenda may be given when that agenda item is discussed. Persons who wish to address the Board for public comment or on an item on the agenda are encouraged to submit comments in writing to Maria at by 5:00 pm the Monday before the meeting, and such comments will be distributed to the Board before the meeting.

Approve the staff recommendations for items listed below by majority vote with one motion.  Any member may pull an item off the Consent Agenda to be moved to the end of the CONSENT AGENDA for discussion and action.


PRESENT Transportation Agency Employee of the Quarter to Janneke Strause.

- Muck
Janneke has been selected by her colleagues at the Transportation Agency for Monterey County as the Employee of the Quarter for July 1 – September 30, 2022.
5.RECEIVE a presentation from PointC, the Agency's Corridor Advisor, regarding the status and the Agency's efforts to deliver Measure X projects along US 101 South of Salinas, State Route 68, and State Route 156.
- Bilse / Tony Harris (PointC)
PointC serves as the Agency's Corridor Advisor. The team is tasked with assisting with the delivery of state highway improvement projects that use Measure X funds. This includes working with Caltrans and TAMC staff to evaluate project delivery schedules, facilitate project team meetings, and develop funding strategies. Tony Harris will share his observations and insight on the current status of the State Route 68 Scenic Highway, US 101 South of Salinas, and State Route 156/Castroville interchange projects.
6.RECEIVE presentation from DKS Consultants on the Central Coast Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy.
- Guther
The Central Coast Zero Emission Vehicle Strategy will become a resource to accelerate the adoption of zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) and identify gaps and opportunities to implement zero emission vehicle infrastructure along the Central Coast. The project study area is the California Central Coast region of Santa Cruz, San Benito, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura counties.
7.RECEIVE Pacific Gas & Electric presentation on grid readiness for widespread electric vehicle adoption. 
- Muck
Babeete Nagra, clean energy transportation and electric project management subject matter expert at Pacific Gas & Electric will present on Pacific Gas & Electric's work to support local government transportation electrification plans and PG&E's Vehicle-Grid Integration programs. 

RECEIVE reports from Transportation Providers:

  • Caltrans Director's Report and Project Update - Eades
  • Monterey Peninsula Airport - Sabo
  • Monterey-Salinas Transit - Sedoryk
  • Monterey Bay Air Resources District - Stedman
9.Reports on meetings attended by Board Members at Transportation Agency expense, as required by state law.


10.Executive Director's Report.


11.Announcements and/or comments from Transportation Agency members on matters that they wish to put on future Transportation Agency agendas.




BEGINNING OF CONSENT AGENDA: Approve the staff recommendations for items listed below by majority vote with one motion.  Any member may pull an item off the Consent Agenda to be moved to the end of the CONSENT AGENDA for discussion and action.

3.1.1APPROVE the Transportation Agency for Monterey County Board draft minutes of September 28, 2022.
- Rodriguez

ACCEPT the list of checks written for September 2022 and credit card statement for the month of August 2022.


- Delfino
The list of checks and copies of credit card statements are submitted to the Transportation Agency Board each month in accordance with the recommendation from the Transportation Agency’s independent Certified Public Accountant to keep the Board informed about the Transportation Agency’s financial transactions.

ADOPT finding, pursuant to AB 361, that the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency declared by Governor Newsom is still in effect; the TAMC Board of Directors has reconsidered the circumstances of the state of emergency; and, the state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of the members to meet in person.

- Brayer

It is recommended that the TAMC Board of Directors find, pursuant to AB 361, that the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency declared by Governor Newsom is still in effect;  the TAMC Board of Directors has reconsidered the circumstances of the state of emergency;  and, the state of emergency continues to directly impact the ability of the members to meet in person.


Agreement For Auditing Services

  1. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to execute contract Amendment #1 with Moss, Levy & Hartzheim LLC in an amount not to exceed $23,730 per year for a two year extension to provide auditing services for the period ending June 30, 2025;
  2. APPROVE the use of $47,460 for the extended term of the Agreement in funds budgeted for this purpose; and
  3. AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to make administrative changes to the contract if such changes do not increase the Agency’s net cost, subject to approval by Agency counsel.
- Goel
The Agency's current agreement expires June 30, 2023. Due to staffing issues and the need for continuity in auditing services, staff recommends a two year extension of the Agreement. The current contract rate of $23,730 for FY 21/22 audit, which was negotiated in 2017, will remain the same in Amendment #1 for FY 22/23 and FY 23/24 audit.
3.1.5RECEIVE the call for nominations for the 21st Annual Transportation Excellence awards to honor individuals, businesses, groups or projects for their efforts to improve the transportation system in Monterey County. 
- Wright

Transportation Agency would like to encourage and appreciate the efforts made by Monterey County residents, businesses and employees to improve transportation in Monterey County by awarding Transportation Excellence Awards. Staff encourages Board members to submit nominations, which are due by December 2, 2022. The awards ceremony will take place during the regular January 25, 2023 Transportation Agency Board meeting.


APPROVE Resolution 2022-12 providing authority for the Executive Director to execute amendment No. 1 to the fiscal year 2022/23 Overall Work Program and Budget. 

- Zeller

This amendment will allow state Rural Planning Assistance and Senate Bill 1 Sustainable Communities grant funds from the prior fiscal year to be utilized in the current fiscal year.


RECEIVE report on the Salinas Safe Routes to School Plan.

- Green
The Salinas Safe Routes to Schools Plan includes infrastructure and programming recommendations to make it safer and more comfortable for children to access 44 schools in Salinas. The project is funded through a Caltrans Sustainable Communities Transportation Planning Grant as well as local Measure X funds.

Legislative Update & Draft 2023 Program

  1. RECEIVE update on state and federal legislative issues; and
  2. APPROVE the draft 2023 legislative program for distribution to committees.
- Watson

On October 5, 2022, the Executive Committee received updates on state and federal legislative activities, attached for Board review, and voted to recommend the Board approve the draft 2023 legislative program for distribution to Committees.


RECEIVE an update on the quarterly Measure X revenue forecasts.

- Zeller
Measure X revenues from June through August were 22.0% above the first sales period in 2021. Excluding late payments and other reporting adjustments, receipts for the period were up 17.9%.  Included with the staff report are revenue estimates by jurisdiction through fiscal year 2022/23.
3.4.2APPROVE Amendment #1 to the Measure X regional funding agreement between the Transportation Agency and the City of Marina for the Imjin Road Widening project, pending legal counsel approval, and AUTHORIZE the Executive Director to execute the amendment.
- Zeller
The City of Marina is the project sponsor of the Marina - Salinas Multimodal Corridor: Imjin Road Widening project.  The recent engineer's estimate for the project is higher than the current secured funding included in the Measure X funding agreement. Agency staff is seeking to program SB1 Local Partnership Program Formula and Measure X funds to fully-fund the project.

APPROVE Resolution 2022-13 approving the revised land transfer agreement with the City of Salinas for the properties acquired for the rail station improvements at Lincoln Avenue and West Market Street and authorizing the Executive Director to enter into the agreement.

- Zeller

The Transportation Agency Board originally approved this land transfer agreement on August 24, 2022 and the Salinas City Council approved it on August 9, 2022. The California Transportation Commission (CTC) needs to approve this land transfer, and requested that the funding agreements between TAMC and Caltrans governing the use of funds for this project be explicitly assigned by TAMC to the City in the transfer agreement.


ACCEPT draft minutes of the Transportation Agency Committees:

- Rodriguez

RECEIVE correspondence to and from TAMC for the month of October  2022.

- Rodriguez



Next Transportation Agency for Monterey County regular meeting will be on
Wednesday,  December 7, 2022

9:00 A.M.

Important Meeting Information


Remote Meetings: On March 12, 2020, Governor Newsom issued Executive Order N-25-20, which enhanced State and Local Governments ability to respond to COVID-19 Pandemic based on Guidance for Gatherings issued by the California Department of Public Health. The Executive Order specifically allowed local legislative bodies to hold meetings via teleconference and to make meetings accessible electronically, in order to protect public health. That order expired on September 30, 2021. Governor Newsom has now signed AB 361, and the TAMC Board of Directors approved a resolution to enact AB 361 on September 22, 2021. This legislation permits teleconferencing for Brown Act meetings during a state of emergency. Thus, TAMC meetings will convene remotely, until further notice. For remote meetings, the public is strongly encouraged to use the Zoom app for best reception. Prior to the meeting, participants should download the Zoom app at: A link to simplified instruction for the use of the Zoom app is:


Remote Meeting Public Comment: Due to current circumstances, there may be limited opportunity to provide verbal comments during remote meetings. Persons who wish to address the Committee for public comment or on an item on the agenda are encouraged to submit comments in writing to by 5:00pm the Monday before the meeting. Such comments will be distributed to the Committee before the meeting. Members of the public participating by Zoom are instructed to be on mute during the proceedings and to speak only when public comment is allowed, after requesting and receiving recognition from the Chair.


Agenda Packet and Documents: Any person who has a question concerning an item on this agenda may call or email the Agency office to make inquiry concerning the nature of the item described on the agenda. Complete agenda packets are on display online at the Transportation Agency for Monterey County website. Documents relating to an item on the open session that are distributed to the Committee less than 72 hours prior to the meeting shall be available for public review at the Agency website. Agency contact information is as follows:


Transportation Agency for Monterey County

Office is closed an all employees are working remotely until further notice

TEL: 831-775-0903



Agenda Items: The agenda will be prepared by Agency staff and will close at noon nine (9) working days before the regular meeting. Any member of the Board may request in writing an item to appear on the agenda. The request shall be made by the agenda deadline and any supporting papers must be furnished by that time or be readily available.


Alternative Agenda Format and Auxiliary Aids: If requested, the agenda shall be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability, as required by Section 202 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC Sec. 12132), and the federal rules and regulations adopted in implementation thereof. Individuals requesting a disability-related modification or accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, may contact Transportation Agency staff at 831-775-0903. Auxiliary aids or services include wheelchair accessible facilities, sign language interpreters, Spanish language interpreters, and printed materials in large print, Braille or on disk. These requests may be made by a person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in the public meeting and should be made at least 72 hours before the meeting. All reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate the request.